Cuban Project: Mi Historia, Tu Historia, y Nuestra Historia

Collaboration with Sarasota Contemporary Dance (60min)

From 1960 to 1962, over 14,000 Cuban youths (ranging 6-17) arrived in the US alone. Operation Pedro Pan is the largest recorded exodus of unaccompanied minors in the Western Hemisphere. The program was created by the Catholic Welfare Bureau of Miami in December 1960 at the parents’ request in Cuba to provide an opportunity for them to send their children to Miami to avoid Communist indoctrination. Children were only permitted to leave with a single suitcase containing non-valuable items uncertain when they would be reunited with their parents. Some children were reunited with their parents quickly, others after years of separation, and still others never saw them again.

For the music of this piece, I explored several elements of Cuban music and blended them with sounds an practices of the contemporary music. You will hear a deconstructed Cuban son, an EDM-influenced guaguancó, and, psychedelic Yambú, for example. At times the music is more Cuban than experimental, and at times the abstract sound takes over. Also, lots of transformed texts told by people who were part of the Operación Pedro Pan.

Check here several reviews from the show: Herald-Tribune, Herald-Tribune 2, YourObserver

Full performance (wide angle) Performance starts at 22:50