Cello, soprano, and percussion
Lyrics by the Canadian Government.
In 2019 we planned a trip to Canada with my wife, our idea was to visit our family in Toronto and around that I would attend Labo Montreal and the Ensemble Evolution Institute at the Banff Center. Our visas were refused and we each received a letter “explaining” why this had happened. This really hurt us, it made us feel once again as second class citizens. We doubted, was it us? Did we make a mistake during the application process? It wasn’t us, it was the immigration laws what stopped us.
I almost cancelled all my plans to go to Canada but mentors from the Ensemble Evolution program helped me with letters to support a second application. This time I applied by myself. My wife didn’t want to feel again disappointed and humiliated again. I got the visa, this time for five years. First, I am rejected of entering into a country, next time, I am welcomed to visit during five years. That’s bullshit.
For this piece I used the text from the letter that we got from the Canadian government. I am turning the rejection we received and I am making it art. I am taking their hatred and I making what I know how to do, music.

At Banff I met the fantastic duo Mazumal. They have a great project called “Music with Radical Intention” with pieces written exclusively by people of color. I have been working with Olivia and Felicia on revisions of the piece that includes electronics, and we figuring out the premiere date. More to come!