Monologue II

Vibraphone and Live Electronics. (2009). Commissioned by Daniel Mejía

Argentinian writer Julio Cortázar claimed that should be such thing called “active reader,” one that would create the work of art together with the writer as they read. With this piece I making use of that idea but in the sense of the “active performer” who actively decides as they perform.

Monologue II has eight pages of straight-forward music, played traditionally from left to right. Additionally, the performer has the chance to alter this predetermined stream of music by choosing to insert additional pages at specific moments. All the insertions are colored by electronics (using MaxMSP). With this in mind, the piece is reinvented on every performance and portraits somehow the individuality of each musician.

This piece was written for Daniel Mejía, who is not only a great friend of mine, but also a classmate and a band mate in Sinergia Ensemble.