Three Aphorisms

Clarinet, Cello, and Perc. (2014). Written for a recording project sponsored by the National University of Colombia.

Alternate Version – Flute, Violin, Cello, and Perc.

First time I heard the word Aphorism was more than ten years ago when I was reading a biography of Dmitri Shostakovich. It comes from the title of  a group of pieces for piano he wrote in 1927. I love his idea of writing short pieces, each one with a specific character and intention and I did that for this piece. It’s a piece that’s easy to put together.

These recording was made possible thanks to funding from the National University of Colombia for a new cd that features, students and alumni. The album was released during 2016.

Percussion-Daniel Arango / Cello-Daniel Sebastián Castrillón/  Clarinet-Tania Betancourt